In The Studio: Carving Out Time

by on October 08, 2015

I have had the pleasure this year of meeting so many amazing artists, creatives, and entrepreneurs. The beautiful thing about this is most of these amazing people I have met are also mothers. Yes, women that work everyday to be the best parents, and wives that they can possibly be. At the same time they run amazing, successful, thriving businesses. These women give an entire new meaning to the word "Boss".

I feel so blessed to have met so many of these wonderful women. These are relationships that support one another, and have created community over competition. They motivate me, encourage me, and remind me that I am not totally "crazy" when I have had a tough day. They remind me daily at the importance of not only succeeding with my art and my business. But, how I choose to win at life.

I get asked all of the time, how do do I accomplish what I do in a day. How are you a mom, and run a business? Well, the answer is not a simple one. I tried to explain this the best that I could when my good friend Marissa Huber interviewed me about this subject. She has a wonderful blog series where she interviews a lot of creative parents about this mystery of "how to balance it all". I tried to answer as open and honest as I can, so that I can help other parents that struggle with this. I love nothing more than being able to help encourage my fellow creative bosses!

Carving Out Time

I hope that you enjoy the interview. Be sure to dig into all of Marissa's interviews, and take a look at her beautiful artwork as well! Let's continue to support one another so we can all win at life!

If you want to connect with me more, be sure to follow me on Periscope, Instagram, and Snapchat (suzefordart). These are some of my favorite places to hang out these days! It is a good time over there!