Commission piece - NEW home!

by on July 23, 2012
Commission, 12 x 48, oil on canvas
Commission, 12 x 48, oil on canvas
Little cupcake painting sits perfectly on a night stand. 8x8 oil on canvas
I just got some great images last week of this new commission piece I did for this wonderful young lady. I have to tell you that it was such a pleasure working with her on this piece. She new exactly what she wanted on this piece. It came with a full instruction manual powerpoint! It was awesome! I started the piece after meeting with her. We came up with the full layout. I made some minor changes as the piece progressed. Then, when the piece was at a perfect pivotal point my client came in to our open studios at ARTichokes, and we were able to talk through the finishing details together! It was awesome working with her hand and hand. This client owns several of my pieces. But, it was very special for me to give her this custom piece, a gift from her fabulous mom for her 17th Birthday! Happy Birthday Ashley!