In The Studio: Live Painting on Periscope

by on August 12, 2015

This is seriously the BIGGEST, most EXCITING news since emojis, smart phones, and sliced bread! You can now tune into me daily, in my studio, painting, talking about art, life, and well anything else that comes up!

Get on Periscope already! Get on Periscope already!

How am I doing this? How can you participate?

It is so simple, it is scary! It is a new application called Periscope. You simply download this application to you phone. You can sign in with your twitter account. Then, do a search for me "SuzeFord". Follow me! Then, whenever I am broadcasting a video, you simply tune in.

The awesome thing is, you can ask me questions and comment by typing on the screen. We can have this fun interaction and conversation that includes people from ALL over the world!

Don't think that is cool? I have watched the sun rise live in Australia, the view from the top of the Eiffel tower, and a guy streaming video while surfing!

See behind the scenes in my studio! See behind the scenes in my studio!

I told you this was awesome! I know you are in shock right now! I am looking forward to connecting with you over there. Bring your questions and your curiosity! There are so many of you that I haven't seen or talked to in a long while!

I try to announce on twitter before I will be broadcasting. So make sure you follow me there! @suzeford on twitter

See you all very soon!